Typical plush toys are manufactured through a network of resellers and middlemen. Not with us. When you order from Plush-A-Pet, you’re working directly from the manufacturer. Our toy factory is located in Clark Freeport Zone, Philippines, where we manufacture 100% of our plush toys ourselves. Our finished products are shipped directly to the customer from our factory.
Our American founder built the company from the ground up in the Philippines, producing his first plush animal clone in 2018. Since then, our team has grown to over 25+ talented patternmakers, sewers, finishers and airbrush artists, all dedicated to providing the highest quality plush clones possible.
Many of our customers order plush animal clones due to the loss of their beloved pet. We understand the unbreakable bond you have with your pets, and being able to bring them back to life again (even if in the form of a plush animal toy) is something that inspires us and motivates us every day. We know how important this is to you and we’ll do our best to meet or surpass your expectations.
We’ve produced thousands of plush animal clones over the last 5+ years. Our portfolio of work speaks for itself, and we’re always improving. Visit our plush dogs, cats, and other pets to see samples of the animal breeds we’ve made so far.
Every stuffed toy we make is created by hand. From its color to special markings, we’ll capture all the unique details of your pet.
Everything starts with our patternmaker who carefully designs the paper pattern of your pet. We then cut out the parts from fabric, sew the parts together, then stuff the plush toy to give its shape. Using your pet’s pictures as our guide, our airbrushing team will then airbrush every unique detail of your pet.